Pharmach Engineering India Pvt Ltd

Valve Manufacturers


Globe Valves Manufacturers in India

A globe valves regulates flow in a pipeline. It is used to control or stop the flow of liquid or gas through a pipe.

Angle Globe Valve

Angle type Globe Valves are designed and manufactured according to Standards BS1873

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Bellow Seal Globe Valve

Bellows Seal Globe Valve is a new kind of globe valves with dual-seal. So its sealing is very good

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Bonney Forge Globe Valve

Bonney Forge steel globe valves are available in three bonnet designs. The first design is the Bolted

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Cast Steel Globe Valve

Cast steel globe valve is designed and manufactured to provide maximum service life

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Cryogenic Globe Valve

The globe valve is built to handle low temperatures and cryogenic conditions. It is made from robust

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Din Globe Valve

DIN globe valve is recommended for service in commercial and industrial applications, including

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Ductile Iron Globe Valve

Ductile Iron Globe Valve is recommended for service in commercial and industrial applications

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Pneumatic Angle Seat Valve

Pneumatic Angle Seat Valve is a 2/2-way pneumatically actuated piston valve for liquids

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Y Pattern Globe Valve

Y Pattern globe valve with its stem and passageway forming a certain angle, and its seat

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